

9/27/2022 8:15:58 PM

What is accounting?
What is accounting? It is the recording of financial transactions with storage, sorting, retrieval, summarization and presentation of result s in various reports and analyzes. Accounting is also a field of study and a profession for which tasks are assigned.

Fortunately, with the right people, tools and resources, accounting is no longer a difficult and time consuming task, and you can just watch with ease as the accountant organizes all your finances like a wizard.



What is the definition of accounting?
Accounting is how you record, organize and understand your business financial information.

You can think of accounting as a large machine in which to put raw financial information. This information can include records of all business transactions, taxes, forecasts, and so on. It then publishes an understandable story about the financial condition of your business.

Accounting tells you whether you make a profit or not, what your cash balance is, what the current value of your company's assets and liabilities is, and what part of your business really generates revenue.


What is the history of accounting?
The history of accounting can be traced back thousands of years to the cradle of Mesopotamian civilization and is said to have developed alongside writing, counting and money. The early Egyptians and Babylonians established auditing systems, while the Romans collected accurate financial information.

Some of the first accountants were employed in Iran around 300 BC, where accounting signs and books were discovered. Around the first millennium, the Phoenicians invented an alphabetic system of accounting, while the ancient Egyptians may have even assigned a controlling role to someone.

But the father of modern accounting is the Italian Luca Pacioli, who in 1494 first described the two-pronged accounting system used by Venetian merchants in Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita. While not an inventor of accounting, Pacioli was the first to describe the debt and credit system in magazines and booklets, which is still the basis of modern accounting systems.

With the onset of the Industrial Revolution in 1760, there was an increase in companies and the need for more advanced accounting systems. Corporate development also created larger groups of investors and more complex ownership structures, all of which required accounting systems to be more adaptable.



What is an accounting job?
Accountants prepare financial records. While keeping records, they ensure that transactions and financial transactions comply with applicable laws and regulations. Accountants also calculate taxes and verify that the client, company or organization pays them on time.

Within companies, accountants work with managers and often advise on how to minimize costs, increase revenue, and increase profits. They may also supervise staff and accounting staff.

To become an accountant, people need at least a bachelor's degree. Many accountants in Iran first take accounting courses in private schools and then master an accounting software and start their work.


Accounting labor market
The number of unemployed accounting graduates is lower than other fields. An accountant's job opportunities are much greater than other disciplines because they range from the most beginner to the most professional level. Accounting in public, free and non-profit universities has the highest number of entrants and the lowest number of unemployed graduates. Graduates of this field can work as accountants in all institutions and business units, whether public or private, in the following branches:


Financial Accounting :
Financial accounting or reporting accounting is the process of preparing financial statements that companies use to show their performance and financial position to people outside the company, including investors, creditors, suppliers  and customers.

This is one of the most important differences with management accounting, which, in turn, includes the preparation of accurate reports and forecasts for managers within the company. Financial accountants can work in all companies and commercial and non-profit institutions.


Industrial Accounting :
Industrial accounting is one of the most important tools in management and its knowledge can be a great help to the heart of an industrial unit. For example, determining the actual cost of a ranch is a big step in managing the system.

Industrial accounting is a very important tool that managers can use to calculate the actual cost of products and exercise control over material costs, labor costs and other production costs. All industrial accounting specialists can work in industrial units and manufacturing companies.


Governmental Accounting :
Public accounting is a unique set of accounting systems, standards and processes that meet the needs of government.

Governments are fundamentally different from for-profit corporations in several important ways. Organizational goals, revenue-generating processes, stakeholders, budget commitments, and desire for longevity vary. These differences require separate accounting and financial reporting standards to provide information to meet the needs of stakeholders to assess government accountability and make political, social, and economic decisions.

Governments have different operating environments that offer their own unique considerations. For example, governments collect and spend tax dollars on transactions known as non-exchange transactions with citizens, instead of earning and receiving funds received from customers or clients as a for-profit company. This structure places much more emphasis on public accountability. As the name of this category shows, most of the labor market of specialists in this sector in government organizations and departments is as an accountant or in the legal process as an accountant or accountant.


tax accounting :
Tax accounting is an accounting tool for tax purposes. This applies to everyone, including individuals, businesses, companies and other entities. Even those who are tax-exempt must participate in tax accounting. The purpose of tax accounting is to be able to track funds (cash inflows as well as outflows) related to individuals and entities. Most of the job market in this field is in financial departments and auditing companies.

Insurance accounting: in insurance institutions and organizations and auditing companies

Bank Accounting: In branches and bank supervision


Accountant salaries
The salary of an accountant is determined according to the sector in which he works. For example, the income of public accountants is determined and calculated according to the Civil Service Management Law, but accountants in the private sector have different amounts of income, such as education. Work experience, experience, familiarity with related software also affect it.

Accounting service companies and independent accountants also have different incomes depending on the amount of customers, the amount of activity and the quality of their services.


Duties of the accountant

  • Although an accountant's day-to-day duties vary depending on the situation and the organization, some of the most common duties and responsibilities of accountants are:
  • Ensuring the accuracy of financial documents as well as their compliance with relevant laws and regulations
  • Preparation and maintenance of important financial reports
  • Prepare a tax return and ensure the correct and timely payment of taxes
  • Evaluate financial operations to recommend best practices, identify issues and strategies for solutions, and assist organizations to implement efficiently.
  • Provide tips on reducing costs, increasing revenue, and maximizing profits
  • Perform forecast assessments and risk analysis
  • Record employees' information and calculate their monthly salaries and pay them
  • In addition, accountants are required to act legally honestly and to avoid negligence in their performance. In this way, they are also responsible for ensuring that their customers' financial records comply with relevant laws and regulations.
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